How to make your own hand sanitizer

How to make hand sanitizer at home

It's getting harder and harder to keep yourself protected from growing threat of illness.
Likely we've got a D.I.Y way to make your own hand sanitizer. 


Hand sanitizer ingredients

While nothing can replace washing your hands with soap and water, if you don't have access to sink hand sanitizer can work in a pinch.

First, start with alcohol
How to make your own hand sanitizer

The Centers for Disease Control  (CDC) states that hand sanitizer needs to be at least 60% alcohol to be effective. A higher concentration of alcohol increase the effectiveness of hand sanitizer, so it is suggested to start with 99% ethanol or  isopropyl alcohol.


1. Pour ⅔ cup of alcohol in a newly cleaned or sterile mixing bowl.

2. Measure out ⅓cup of the aloe vera gel into the bowl
How to make hand sanitizer 

3. Optionally, you can add any essential oils that will mask the scent of the alcohol inthe sanitizer. But not too much

4. Once all the ingredients are in a bowl, stir together with a newly cleaned or sterile whisk. 

5. Now Funnel the mixture in to a Newly cleaned or sterile bottle. 

How to make hand sanitizer

Too much gel will make the sanitizer less effective and little gel will dry out your skin.The best ratio is two parts of alcohol to one part of aloe vera gel.

If any other cantaminants or bacteria get in the mixture it will severly affect the sanitizer's potency. 

Your new sanitizer is now ready to use.
