Remedies for hair damage due to hair colouring and Dyeing

Remedies for hair damage due to hair colouring and Dyeing

The health of the hair can be restored after hair colouring and dyeing. Mix 1 part of the castor oil with one part of the coconut oil, heat and applied on your hair. Aviod vigorous massage and rub when you apply oil on your hair. Massage the scalp gently, using only finger tips. Movie your scalp in small,  circular movements. This help to stimulate blood circulation to the follicles. Keep the oil overnight and wash your hair the next day with a mild herbal shampoo. After washing apply a creamy conditioner,massaging likely into the hair. Leave for 2 minutes and then rise off with water. Regular conditioning is extremely important. You can also apply a leave-on type of conditioner on hair serum to soften and disentangle your hair.

Some home remedies to help hair subjected to colours and dye

For a deep conditioning treatment once a week, mix together one egg, 2 tbsp castor oil, the juice of lemon and 1 teaspoon pure glycerine. These ingredients should be mixed well, massage it scalp and apply on your hair too. Wash your hair after 30 minutes, rinsing equal with water to remove all residues, so that they do not clog the pores. Have cold infusions with hibiscus flowers and leaves, which are allowed to stand overnight in cold water, in the ratio of 1 to 6. the flowers are squeezed and the water is train before use. Such infusions can be used to wash the hair and scalp or applied on the scalp with cotton wool. Paste or juice of the flowers should be applied on the hair. You can also go for hair spa treatment. This entails Holi massages exposing the hair to steam, application of the hair packs and so on. It help to improve the texture and also its shine to damage hair

Oily roots, dry ends and it lacks volume of hair

check to see if you have dandruff,  which can led an oily scalp and dry hair Dry ends leads to split ends too if the are split ends, cut them off and then give your hair daily care. heat olive oil and apply on the hair and the ends. then dip a towel in the hot water, squeeze out the water and warp the hot towel around the head. keep it on 5 minutes and repeat 3-4 times. this help the hair and scalp absorb oil better. next morning apply lemon juice only on the scalp and wash the haior after 15 minutes use a mild herbal shamboo. After the shamboo add the juice of lemon to some beer rise your hair with it . leave on for 2 minutes and wash with plain water or applu a few drops of hair serum on the hair and its ends.

Does the hair become softer if we did the conditioner on for a long time is in it?

Yes the hair does become softer if you leave the condition on for a longer time.  a rinse-off conditioner usually has richer conditioning agent, while a leave-on conditioner is not as heavy and has ligter conditioning ingredients. It is not as thick as a rise- off conditioner.  if your hair is very dry and damaged, it is better to use a rinse- off conditioner and then use a hair serum for protection leave on the haior serum.

How to make herbal shampoo
