Clixsense tricks to increase your earning

Clixsense, you must be aware of this name if you are reading this post. It's a site that has changed the way people earn money online. You don't have to be a tech-savvy in order to earn money with Clixsense and this is what makes to so special. 

You can make money simply by giving your opinion, by searching telephone numbers, addresses, etc. It's as simple as it gets. No strings attached.

On top of that, you don't have to spend any money to be a member of Clixsense. But you know about it. Your question is how do we increase our earning from Clixsense. well, I don't have any magic wand, to be honest, but I can surely share some tips with you that can help you earn some extra money. 

Here we go -

Log in to your account at least thrice a day

This is the first and foremost rule. If you want to earn more, you will have to invest some more time. Try to log in to your account as many times as you can. New tasks and surveys are added frequently. I am sure you would not want to miss out on them. If you have a full-time job, then log in at least twice every day. 

clixsense tricks

Complete daily checklist

The daily checklist can easily increase your earning. All you have to do is complete 2 surveys or 10 tasks or 1 survey+5 tasks/1offer. If you do so, you will get a bonus of up to 16%. If you continuously complete your checklist for three days your bonus will go up to 18%. So make it a habit to meet your target every single day without a fail.

Refer at least 1 person every day

As you all know to earn more money with Clixsense you need referrals. There are no two ways about it. This is the only way that can skyrocket your income. So try to refer to 1 people daily or as many as you can. Do not just share your link with them, explain everything to them. Only then will they be willing to join it.

Try to complete surveys/tasks in one sitting

This one is often overlooked especially when it comes to completing tasks. Members often complete a few tasks and think they will do the rest later. This a grave mistake. You might see there are 200+ tasks available but most of the tasks do not remain available for long since Clixsense has millions of members willing to earn money just as much as you want. The same rule is applicable to surveys as well.

Install ClixAddon

Install ClixAddon, why? Because it notifies you whenever there is a new survey or task available for you to complete. Since Clixsense has millions of members, and they are all trying to complete surveys and tasks, so it becomes very important to start a survey or task as soon as it arrives. 

Or else you miss out on them because their quota gets full very quickly. Although this ClixAddon is only available for desktop browsers not for mobiles.

Take part in task competition

You can participate in weekly task competition. You just have to complete the highest number of tasks in a week. The winner earns 50$ for topping the list. Even those who fail to top but finish in the top 10 also get a bonus. So it is a great way to increase your earnings. You might choose tasks that do not take much time to win the competition.

Try 'Your Survey' 

The surveys provided by Your Survey brand, have more chances of getting completed. Although, more often than not, Your Survey does not pay instant. It might take some time to get your reward but it is worth it.

These are some Clixsense tricks that will surely give your earning a push. I believe that one can earn enough money with Clixsense with some patience and smart work. So give it some extra time and get some extra benefit in lieu of that. If you still have some doubts with regard to Clixsense then read this post to dispel them.
why you should join Clixsense.

If you have not yet joined Clixsense then join it by clicking the link below.
Click here to join Clixsense.
